Catherine Talbot
Coordinator of Pedagogical and Institutional Development,
Cégep Champlain – St. Lawrence
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Catherine is passionate about pedagogy. Her career path began with her studies in science and technology education, where she nurtured her desire to develop methods that foster student learning and success. After several years of teaching, she became a pedagogical counsellor, a role enabling her to share her expertise with her colleagues and support them in furthering their practice.
The AQPC has been an important partner since her early days in the college network. She first discovered the journal Pédagogie collégiale when she arrived at Cégep Limoilou and then attended the annual symposium, which she considers to be an important source of inspiration and professional development. These forums for exchanging ideas on higher education pedagogy reinforced her conviction that continuous learning remains essential to promote and support student success in a rapidly changing social context.
In 2020, she joined the association's Board of Administrators, where she distinguished herself by her commitment and passion for pedagogy. After several years of collaboration on the board, she accepted the presidency in 2024, a role she approaches with determination and humility, wishing to pursue the deployment of initiatives aimed at supporting and energizing the college community and fostering collaboration between higher education institutions.