About the AQPC

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Règlements généraux (RG)

The purpose of the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC) is to provide a place for Cégep and college staff to discuss pedagogy in higher education with the goal of improving the educational success of students in Québec

Guided by the values of integrity, open-mindedness, teamwork and innovation, the AQPC focuses on the pedagogical needs of stakeholders in the college community. The AQPC is committed to providing them with valuable professional development opportunities.
Founded in 1981, the AQPC is a non-profit organization (NPO) that rallies over 1300 individual members and more than 76 associate members from various sectors of higher education, especially at college level. This makes the AQPC the main association specialized in college education in Québec.
Its individual members include professors, professional staff, managers and university students aiming to work in higher education. Colleges (private or public), universities, associations and educational organizations can also become associate members.