Avec un grand R 

Making the Most of College Research 


The Avec un grand R series is aimed at all those who are interested in educational research, wish to discuss it, and take account of it.  

A popular science article published in the Pédagogie collégiale journal serves as the basis for a discussion between a researcher or research team and participants.

The aim of this privileged tribune is not only to disseminate the results of an educational research project carried out within the college network, but also to initiate exchanges with a view to implementing appropriate actions in college institutions. This biannual event is the result of a common desire on the part of three college network organizations to further reflection on college research and knowledge transfer. 



Next Edition 


Teaching how to learn: the role of reflective practice and causal attribution

Jun 06, 2024
From 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM

The meeting with researcher and literature teacher Julie Roberge and her research assistants, Elio Desbiens and Justine Schwartz, is an opportunity to discuss the results of a project aimed at documenting the use of a casual attribution survey to develop students’ learning maturity.
Before the activity, participants are asked to read the text "Teaching how to learn: the role of reflective practice and causal attribution".
* This activity is offered in person, at the annual symposium, and online. Registration is required for the online activity.